Perennial Gardens

Flower Gifts

All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!


Moth Repellent

Moth Repellent

1/2 cup whole cloves
3 or 4 cinnamon sticks
1/2 cup whole black peppercorns

Break cinnamon sticks into small pieces. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Tie or sew a little into small squares of double-layer cheesecloth or muslin. Hang in closets or scatter in drawers and boxes to keep moths away. You may also scatter loose Moth Repellent between layers of tissue paper in drawers.

Flower Gifts





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