Perennial Gardens

Flower Gifts

All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!




Q. How do you care for a lotus plant?

A. Lotus come in several sizes from dwarf types that will grow in a 2-3 gallon container to the standards which grow better in a 20-25 gallon container. Fill container with the same soil that you would use for a water lily. Place the tuber with the cut portion against the edge of the potting container. Place a stone on the tuber to hold it in place and add more soil but do not cover the growing point. Cover only with a 2" water until the plant is growing well and then it can be lowered to 4" water over the pot. Larger varieties require large 6-8' x 1' planting containers to grow well. They should be grown as bog plants with the water level being kept a constant 2-4" over the main sprout. Miniature and dwarf species of are sometimes available and can be planted in 2' containers. The soil mixture should be 2" well rotted cow manure on the bottom and the balance top soil (not potting soil) with 1" layer sand on top. Do not fertilize until the plant is well established and has 10 or more leaves. You can use water lily fertilizer but use only half the recommended amount for Lotus. If the lotus is bare root (shaped like a banana) use extreme care not to damage the growing tip which is at one end of the tuber. Damage will cause death. The tuber must be planted with the growing tip completely out of the soil. You can anchor the tip with a rock or brick until it becomes established. Protect the tender tips from fish turtles etc. by encasing the plant and pot in a hardware cloth fence until it is actively growing. Most Lotus have a short flowering season usually June and July. Growing Lotus from seed is an art and not recommended for the novice. Standard lotus planted in too small of a container will not bloom well. After well established they can be fertilized every month during the growing season. Water that is too cold when the lotus is potted can also kill the plant. Lotus are hardy and should come back year after year.

Flower Gifts





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