Perennial Gardens

Flower Gifts

All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!


How to Grow Herbs

How to Grow Herbs

From seeds
Clean your containers and fill them two-thirds full with commercial potting soil. Soak the soil. Let it drain overnight then level it. Sprinkle the seeds on top with water and cover them with fine sand or a sprinkle of soil. Cover the container with plastic and put it in a warm dark spot. Remove the plastic as soon as you see the first sprouts. When the leaves develop place the seedlings near a window but not in direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but never soggy.

From cuttings
If you are unable to plant the cuttings immediately put them in water. When time permits fill a pot with a drainage layer and then fill it about halfway with soil. Carefully spread out the roots and cover them gently with more soil packing firmly. Soak the soil.

Flower Gifts





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