Perennial Gardens

Flower Gifts

All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!




Basil is a sun-loving annual. August is its prime month. It makes a great kitchen windowsill plant and will deter flies. Preserve basil by freezing or packing into jars with olive oil.

There are many types of basil and different sizes and colors of the leaves. One sure way to identify basil is by the smell. It is highly aromatic and smells something like spicy cloves. The plant can grow to a height of 2 feet.

Plants should not be set outdoors until all danger of frost has past. Once plants are established pinch out the top to encourage a bushier plant. Frequent harvesting of the outer leaves will prolong the life of the plant. Wash leaves well before using.

In cooking basil works well in combination with tomatoes. Italian and Greek cuisines incorporate it often. Pesto is a famous basil-garlic sauce great with pasta. Finely chopped basil stirred into mayonnaise makes a good sauce for fish.

Purple Basil

Q. I would like to know why my purple basil is dying. The leaves are wilted looking. Help.

A. This is a hard call but I would say overwatering is the culprit. Basil is used to the Mediterranean climate and likes to get dry between waterings but not to the point of wilting. Make sure that the soil medium you have it in is very loose and well-drained. If it is chunky and heavy the roots will smother and die leading to root rot wilting and then sadly death.

Take it out of its pot allow to dry and shake loose the current mix. Add a better mix and repot. Give it full sun since if shaded it will not perform and this could cause overwatering too and death. It is great in cooking and as a garnish. Opal basil is a lovely variety. Best of luck.

Q. My sister has a basil cutting. How can she propagate it? What temp soil etc. does the plant need? Thanks.

A. Basil is best propagated by seed rather than trying to get a cutting to root. All she has to do is allow the plant to flower which it does readily and soon there will be clusters of black seeds produced. Harvest them dry for a week and sow right on top of a tray full of vermiculite covered just a wee bit. They germinate within a week.

She can take some end cuttings of the youngest freshest sprouts a length of 4-5" and place the bottom inch in a glass of water having no leaves below the water. Place in a well-lit window and wait for tiny white roots to form. They can be potted several to a 4" pot and grow indoors or outside until frost.

Basil is surprisingly easy to grow. It is easily grown from seed regardless of whether it is started indoors or broadcast outside in the garden after the danger of frost has passed. Basil is very tender and sensitive to frost injury. For indoor culture sow seeds in a flat and cover them with a moistened sterile mix to a depth not more than twice the size of the seed. Space seeds 3/8 to 1/2 inch apart in the flat. Maintain a soil temperature of approximately 70 degrees F.

Flower Gifts





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