Trumpet Vines
Trumpet vines are fast growing woody vines that
grow 30 feet tall.
Other Names: Cow Itch Vine, Trumpet Creeper,
Hummingbird Vine, Cross Vine, Chinese Trumpet
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Campsis
Species: C. radicans

Trumpet Vines
Descriptions: Long winding, powerful vines
with 3.5" trumpet shaped flowers.
Size: Trumpet vines climb up to 30 feet
Symbolism: Trumpet vine symbolizes new
Grow Details: Trumpet vines are easy to
grow climbing vines.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Any Type
Soil PH: PH 3.7 and 6.8
Water: Standard - Drought Tolerant
Light: Sun to Part Shade
Grow Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Height: Trumpet vines climb up to
30 feet tall.
Flower Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow
Propagation: Trumpet vine can be
propagated through seed, cuttings, layering,
and division of its roots or suckers.
Blooming Period: June to September
Type: Perennial Vine
Herbal Remedy Properties: Some individuals
get a rash or report discomfort when handling
trumpet vines.
Native Area: Trumpet vine is native to
Southeastern United States.
Other: The roots of the trumpet vine will
crack foundations, come up through asphalt and
invade sewer lines.