Pincushion's are pretty flowers with large flower
Other Names: Scabious, Pincushion Flower,
Mourning Bride,
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Dipsacales
Family: Dipsacaceae
Genus: Scabiosa

Descriptions: Pincushions have 2.5"
flower heads that resemble sewing pincushions.
Size: Pincushion flowers grow from 10
to 36 inches tall.
Symbolism: Pincushion flowers sybmolize
unfortunate love.
Grow Details: Pincushions are easy to
grow and have unique full flower heads.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Well
Drained Fertile Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.0-7.0
Water: Moist
Light: Full Sun to Light Shade
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Height: Pincushion flowers grow
from 10 to 36 inches tall.
Flower Colors: White, Pink, Lavender,
Purple, Blue, Red
Propagation: Pincushion flowers can
be propagated through seed.
Division/Transplants: Pincushion
flowers should be divided every 3-4 years
in early spring.
Blooming Period: June to October
Type: Perennial
Herbal Remedy Properties: The pincushion's
name Scabiosa, comes from "scabies"
as the the plant's rough leaves were said to cure
an itch.
Native Area: Pincushion Flowers are native
to Europe and Asia.