Lilacs are flowering shrubs.
Other Names: Syringa, Queen of Shrubs,
Blewe Pipe Trees, Prince's Feather, Duck's Bills,
Spanish Ash,
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Oleaceae
Tribe: Oleeae
Genus: Syringa

Descriptions: Lilacs have aromatic cone-shaped
full blossoms made up of smaller flowers.
Size: Lilac bushes grow from 3 to 30 feet
Symbolism: Lilacs symbolize maturation.
Lilacs symbolize first love, youthful innocence
and emotions.
Grow Details: Lilacs have showy blossoms
the bushes are easy to grow, and require minimum
Grow Details
Soil Type: Fertile
Well Drained Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.0-7.5
Water: Standard
Light: Full Sun to Part Sun
Grow Zone: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Height: Lilac bushes grow from 3
to 30 feet tall.
Flower Colors: White, Lavender, Magenta,
Propagation: Lilacs can be propagated
through cuttings and seeds.
Blooming Period: Spring to Summer
Type: Perennial Shrub
Herbal Remedy Properties: Lilacs have
a calming effect, that encourages relaxation.
In the past, lilac was ingested to rid the intestines
of parasitic worms, and to treat malaria. Modern
homeopathic herbalists use the essential oil of
lilac to treat skin ailments such as rashes, sunburns
and minor cuts and scrapes.
Native Area: Lilacs are native to Europe
and Asia.
Other: Lilac is the State Flower of New