Hydrangea Flower Gifts

Hydrangea common names Hydrangea and Hortensia is a genus of about 70–75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia and North and South America. There are two flower arrangements in hydrangeas. Mophead flowers are large round flowerheads resembling pom-poms or, as the name implies, the head of a mop. In contrast, lacecap flowers bear round, flat flowerheads with a center core of subdued, fertile flowers surrounded by outer rings of showy, sterile flowers.


Hydrangeas are flowering shrubs.

Other Names: Hortensia, Hydrangea Arborscens, Mountain Hydrangea, Seven Barks, Smooth Hydrangea, Viburnum Alnifolium, Viburnum americanum, Wild Hydrangea, Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea, Garden Hydrangea,

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Cornales
Genus: Hydrangea


Descriptions: Hydrangeas have lush balls of colorful blossoms that last a long time.

Size: Hydrangeas are 3-18 feet tall.

Symbolism: Hydrangeas symbolize earnestness, and is ideal for communicating any heartfelt emotion, from joy to grief.

Grow Details: Hydrangeas are easy to grow and require very little care, as long as the proper conditions are available.

Grow Details

Soil Type: Well Drained
Soil PH: Blue Hydrangea PH 4.0-5.0 Pink Hydrangea PH 6.0-7.0 White Hydrangea PH 6.5-8.0
Water: Standard
Light: Full Sun to Part Shade
Grow Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Height: Hydrangeas are 3-18 feet tall.
Flower Colors: Pink, Green, Blue, Pink, White, Red, Lavender
Propagation: Propagate Hydrangea through clippings or division.
Division/Transplants: Divide Hydrangea in early Spring.
Blooming Period: Early Spring to Late Fall

Type: Perennial

Herbal Remedy Properties: Hydrangeas have been used homeopathically in the treatment of inflamed or enlarged prostate glands. Hydrangeas have also been used to treat urinary stones or infections such as cystitis.

Native Area: Hydrangeas are native to Asia, North Americ and South America.

Other: Hydrangeas are wonderful as dried flowers.

Hydrangea Flower Gifts

Hydrangea flowers are produced from early spring to late autumn; they grow in flowerheads (corymbs or panicles) at the ends of the stems. In many species, the flowerheads contain two types of flowers, small fertile flowers in the middle of the flowerhead, and large, sterile bract-like flowers in a ring around the edge of each flowerhead.
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