Gaillardia Flower Gifts

Gaillardia, the Blanket flowers, is a genus of drought-tolerant annual and perennial plants from the sunflower family, native to North and South America. The common name refers to the inflorescence's resemblance to brightly patterned blankets made by native Americans.


Other Names: Rosering Gaillardia, Blanket Flower, Common Gaillardia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket, Indian Blanketflower, Sundance,

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Helenieae
Genus: Gaillardia


Descriptions: Gaillardias have bright vibrant flowers with colorful concentric rings, and the petals give the appearance of a symetrical jagged edge to the blossom.

Size: Gaillardia will grow from 8 to 24 inches tall.

Symbolism: Not known.

Grow Details: Gaillardia are tolerant easy to grow perennials, with a high drought tolerance.

Grow Details

Soil Type: Dry - Well Drained Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.0-7.5 (Tolerant)
Water: High Drought Tolerance
Light: Full Sun
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Height: Gaillardia will grow from 8 to 24 inches tall.
Flower Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow, Burgundy, Brown, Multi-Color
Propagation: Propagate with seeds or division.
Division/Transplants: Divide every 2- 3 years.
Blooming Period: Summer to Early Fall

Type: Perennial

Herbal Remedy Properties: Gaillardia plants were used as a diuretic, and taken to relieve painful urination. An infusion of the leaves was also taken and a poultice applied externally, in the treatment of gout. For sinus or indigestion headaches, the Gaillardia was mashed and steeped in water or vinegar, and the resulting solution is applied to the head.

Native Area: Gaillardia are native to North America and Mexico.

Other: Gaillardia is the Oklahoma State wild flower.


Gaillardia Flower Gifts

Unique Gaillardia flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!

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