Primrose is a herbaceous perennial plant, low growing, to
10–30 cm tall, with a basal rosette of leaves. The leaves
are 5–25 cm long and 2–6 cm broad with an irregularly crenate
to dentate margin, and a usually short leaf stem.
Primrose are an early Spring blooming flower.
Other Names: Primrose, Common Primrose
or English Primrose, Virgin Mary's Cowslips, Cowslip,
Wild Primrose
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Ericales
Family: Primulaceae

Descriptions: Primrose have delicate cup
shaped flowers that are usually no larger than
1.5 inches.
Size: Primrose grows from 3 to 36 inches
tall depending on the species.
Symbolism: Primrose symbolize youth or
young love. Primrose means "I can't live without
Grow Details: Primrose can thrive in a
variety of weather and soil conditions, depending
on the species.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Well
Soil PH: PH 5.5-6.5
Water: Moist
Light: Part Sun to Full Shade
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Height: Primrose grows from 3 to
36 inches tall depending on the species.
Flower Colors: Yellow, White, Pink,
Red, Purple,
Propagation: Propagate primrose through
Division/Transplants: Primrose does
not tolerate transplanting well.
Blooming Period: Spring to Early
Type: Annual or Perennial
Herbal Remedy Properties: In addition
to primrose being a sedative, but a solution containing
primrose can be used to improve complexions.
Native Area: Primrose is native to Asia,
Europe, and North America.
Primrose Flower Gifts
Primrose was called pepper vine by early travelers
and pioneers of the American Old West and used as
a pepper substitute to spice up food since true
black pepper was a costly and rarely obtainable
spice. The entire genus contains essential oils
and compounds which are extremely irritating to
the skin and mucous membranes. Unlike black pepper
or Capsicum, however, the compounds in Primrose
cause internal bleeding of the digestive tract if
ingested in large amounts. |
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