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Weed Killers
Weed Killers
Q. Do you know a "recipe"
for a homemade weed killer? My lawn gets
so weedy by late spring and I do not like
using chemicals as 2 4-D.
A. I know the feeling. I have found a few homemade remedies and a list of suggestions to help keep your lawn free of weeds. Remember to always use caution with any chemicals
including the ones below and to tend to your lawn with good water and food throughout the growing season. A stressed lawn is more apt to be overrun by weeds. Weed Killer Mix 1 gallon white vinegar
1 cup table salt and 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid together and spray on weeds. To do so
remove approximately 2 cups of vinegar from the jug pour in the salt and dishwashing liquid
then return the 2 cups of vinegar to the jug. Close the lid and shake to mix. Transfer to a spray bottle (after shaking to mix the ingredients) as needed. It works as well if not better
than Chemicals but is much cheaper. Be careful
it will kill whatever you spray it on!
If you go purchase vinegar 10% acidity
20% acid would be better and spray it on
the weeds in the heat of the full sun you
will have an effective weed killer.
The key to a weed and pest-free lawn is to build strength in your grass. Overseed every year to create a dense lawn that will crowd out weeds. Fertilize naturally with manure and compost. Encourage good bugs: worms
lady bugs and spiders. Mow less often. Keep grass 6 cm tall to crowd out weeds and grow longer roots. When watering allow the sprinkler to soak the grass
to build deep roots. Rake out thatch to discourage pests Dig out any weeds by hand. Learn to tolerate some weeds. Pesticides are not worth the health risks. Their All-purpose weed killer: Boil a liter of water add 2 tablespoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of vinegar. Pour directly on weeds on sidewalks
driveways etc.
while still hot. Cheap Weed Killer From: Paula Vogelgesang Makes a quart Pour 4-ounces of lemon juice concentrate in a 1-quart spray bottle. Fill it to the top with white vinegar. Shake well and spray on the weeds. This is good for spot-weeding. It will kill dandelions and Creeping Jenny although if the plants are big ones it may take more than one dose. This is really good to spray between cracks in a sidewalk. Safe around kids
pets etc. This is basically two forms of acid so if you really soak the ground nothing will grow for several months. KOTA News CHEAP WEED KILLER A subscriber wrote that she found a weed killer in a mail order catalog
safe for the environment biodegradable and safe for pets
for "only" $8 per quart. It was made of lemon juice and vinegar (both cheaper than $8) so she made her own formula