Q. My next door neighbor has three cats.
Every year when I plant my flowers and have
my beds looking so nice the cats come over
and relieve themselves in the beds. Do you
have any suggestions on what I can do to
repel them? I am at the end of my rope!
Q. I have a small amount of ground and
would like to plant a tomato plant an eggplant
and zucchini. PROBLEM: Some cats have used
my dirt as their restroom and now I don't
think I want to plant food plants in that
dirt. Plus they probably will mess where
I plant. How can I handle this? Planting
in an area that cats have used so their
restroom. Without doing harm to the cats
how can I discourage them from doing their
duty in my small plot of earth?
A. Your problem is a very common one and the reason it remains so is because there is no surefire cure. I could make a million with a perfect solution! Imagine the research... But try: 1. Ground mothballs or napthalene flakes out of a box. The whole balls can be deadly
and we love animals way too much for that [my Tuxedo forced me to write this!] but the nasty smell is a good deterrent. Do not use the flakes around veggies as the chemical leaches into the soil and could affect what you eat! 2. Citronella oil
eucalyptus oil or ammonia sprinkled onto used teabags and placed in the garden. 3. Place the prunings from rose bushes in the garden where cats frequent. They hate the sharp thorns. 4. Dried orange lemon
lime peels. 5. Bamboo skewers poked into the soil around new seedlings about 6-8" apart. Cats find it too difficult to get in the bed and dig. It looks a bit funny but once the seedlings have grown
you can pull them out. I do not like this idea since they can easily puncture the delicate stomach of the cats and cause horrible injury. 6. Go to a local bulk grocery store and buy large bags of ground fine pepper. Sprinkle it around the garden. Also sprinkle around the place where the cats enter the beds. 7. The more plant material on the surface (whether in the form of fresh mulch or closely packed plantings) the less likely cats are to dig a hole there. It only does 'it' because it likes the feel of the sandy soil - I guess it's close to the consistency of her litter. 8. There is a cat/dog deterrent in the shops which come in gel pellets. What they consist of I don't know
but they are supposed to scare them away due to some smell that comes from these gel pellets when they are wetted down on the beds. They cost about $10 a pack by Multicrop. Besides these I recently saw a product at my local nursery called "SkunkShot". There is a website for it at
Q. We are having a terrible time keeping
the neighbor's cats out of our garden. If
they just wanted to come over and visit
that would be fine but they don't. No matter
what we put down they use it. The vegetable
garden flower beds bark ground cover compost
ground just doesn't matter to
them. It is so frustrating to work so hard
getting the yard to look halfway decent
and then within 24 hours it is messed up.
Is there anything humane yet effective we
can do to keep them from doing this? We
have a reptile/chelonian in the yard so
we want to be careful not to do anything
that would bother her in the process.
A. Please refer to past and very recent discussions of cat problems in garden beds. There is no surefire method but I have included some suggestions. Best of luck.
Q. While searching for SkunkShot I found
your note in Garden suggestions. You mentioned
that you had seen this product in a local
nursery. I would be most grateful for any
information you can give me on where to
find this product locally. I live in Marin
County North of San Francisco.
A. I have not looked for it since a little time before that post
so I would suggest checking [maybe by phone first to save gas] Walmart Home Depot and Lowe's. I believe I found it at Sloat Nursery in San Francisco
but large hardwares with good gardening selections are worth checking. Be careful in its application as the odor is very strong. It is the latest and most effective cat and dog repellent on the market. SkunkShot utilizes the natural and nontoxic chemistry of the skunk in a long lasting waterproof gel
to provide a long term solution to problem cats and dogs and the mess they can make of your lawn or garden. Developed by Victoria University scientists Skunkshot is a great dog and cat deterrent and is highly effective in protecting cars