All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Q. Do you have any advice for a plant
called Pilea? The picture I saw makes me
feel it is Moon Valley variety. Do you know
A. I have grown many varieties and species of Pilea. It is commonly called the "Aluminum Plant" Pilea cadierei. But yours is a more exotic plant...of course! Many originate in Vietnam. Favorite ones are P. cadierei (aluminum plant); P. involucrata (panamiga
Pan-American friendship plant); P. microphylla (artillery plant)
The species of Pilea listed are ideally
suited for window sills and tables. Most
do not grow more than 12" tall and
have peculiarly puffy leaves with depressed
veins that make them look quilted.
It grows about 10" tall and has 2 1/2-to 3 1/2" leaves each with 3 conspicuous sunken veins; the quilted sections appear to have been brushed with aluminum paint. Artillery [side
hanging offshoots] plants grows about 8" tall and have stems with tiny oval leaves about 1/8" long. Pilea species do best in bright indirect or curtain-filtered sunlight. If only artificial light is available provide at least 400 foot-candles
just as you would African violets or Gesneriad house plants. Night temperatures of 65øF to 70øF and day temperatures of 75øF to 85øF are ideal. [Do you need these converted to centigrade?] Keep the soil barely moist at all times. Please do not overwater! Feed at 2-month intervals with regular houseplant fertilizer diluted 1/2 strength recommended on the label but wait 3-4 months before feeding newly purchased or potted plants to avoid burning the roots. Because old plants become straggly
it is best to start new plants from stem cuttings or by dividing the roots early each spring. The plants generally grow best in 3- to 4" pots
a size that allows space for a good balance between root and top growth.
Use a mixture of equal parts of a general-purpose
house plant potting soil peat moss or leaf
mold and perlite. They also do well in soilless
mixes. Watch for spider mites!!!