All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Q. Thank you for your last answer. You
seem to always know the answers. Now I'd
like to know how to care for petunias!
A. Petunias are the easiest annual to grow I would say
maybe right alongside of zinnia and marigold. I was 12 when I started with these beauties. You need tons of sun and heat for them to do well though. Then
of course lots of water
as they dry quickly in the intense summer sun. They do not tolerate drying out as the first two annuals do. They wilt pout
yellow and reduce their flowering. So keep an eye on them at all times
especially when you are lacking rain. Feed them every two to three weeks with a good general garden fertilizer as Rapid Grow Miracle-Gro
Peters Scotts or Hyponex. Do not go too heavy with the first number
nitrogen as you will get a lot of foliage and lack the blooms. The middle number will boost blooming. Watch for insects
but they are pretty good about being resistant to them. You may see white flies or aphids. Treat immediately to prevent spreading. Keeping weeds down around them will decrease the chance of insects and provide more water and food for your plants.
Q. My gardening book says to cut back
my petunias at the end of July. Does this
go for wave petunias as well that bloom
without help anyway?
A. There are two reasons for this advice so read and see if you wish to cut yours back. It is a general rule of thumb
but I have witnessed fine beds of petunias which were not cut back and into September looked good until the days shortened too much and the temperatures dropped linked with seed production. The plants tend to get lanky...that is the best word for it. The stems keep getting longer and the flowers appear in the side shoots
getting higher and higher. if you do a severe cut back of 1/2 the plant size this will push out the bottom shoots and the plants will get bushy with the flowers closer to the ground and in general providing a neater look.
Secondly the old flowers fade but seeds
are produced in the ovules. As the plant
grows more and more seed pods are formed.
Being an annual the petunia will slow down
foliage and flower production and put its
energy into seed production as that is its
purpose dung the one year life span to make
new plants to take over after it dies. By
cutting way back many or all of the seed
pods will be removed thus making the plant
start over by producing more flowers to
get seed. In the fall the plants can be
allowed to go to seed and you may get seedlings
the next spring if your climate is not severe.