All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Q. A friend gave me a dozen or so Hyacinths
and I don't know whether to cut off the
dead tops as daffodils or to let them go.
They were so pretty I hate to mess the system
A. There are two major garden varieties.
The small grape Hyacinths will die back
of their own accord as do crocuses and snow
drops. The large single-flowered ones will
keep green foliage long after the flower
stem has browned and been removed. These
leaves should be encouraged to stay green
and growing for as long as possible since
food is being produced and transferred down
into the bulb for next spring's flowers.
If the foliage is cut when green the food
production ceases and there may not be enough
energy for a new flower next year resulting
in death or only foliage in the spring.
Keep the plants well-watered and fed with
a general plant food. Encourage their growth
as you would with other spring plants.