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Butterfly Bushes
Butterfly Bushes
Q. When should butterfly bushes be cut
A. Butterfly bushes (Buddleia davidii) are large (even the dwarf ones reach 8-15 feet) hardy shrubs are highly ornamental and extremely carefree. No landscape should be without at least one. Buddleias are vigorous growers that remain evergreen in winters with minimum temperatures of 20 degrees. Where winters are more severe they can be deciduous
merely dropping leaves or herbaceous
freezing completely back to the ground. Phenomenal growth is achieved in one season even if they do freeze all the way to the ground.
These large shrubs often give gardeners
fits about pruning. It is important to remember
is that these are tough plants. There is
almost nothing wrong you can do. You can
prune anytime. If you prune hard during
the growing season the worst that can happen
is you will cut off your flowers for a while.
But they grow fast and you have them again
soon. The normal life cycle of this bush
is to go dormant in zones 5 and 6. At this
point the canes above ground are dead. They
can then be pruned to the ground. This is
usually sometime after frost. If you are
in a marginal zone 5 area it is a good idea
to apply a 3-6" layer of mulch covering
the crown. In zones 7 and up the bush will
remain evergreen and can be pruned to the
ground or in any configuration that suits
your garden.
The article goes on to supply more information which I share with you: As with most plants we grow
good drainage is important for Butterfly Bushes but rich soil is not necessary. A 2 3/4 inch potted plant placed in the ground in early spring will grow to 3-3' in one year and as much as 8-10' the following year. This fast growth makes these shrubs perfect for naturalizing vast areas or covering hillsides. They also make quick beautiful covers for fences or buildings
providing quick shade for hot summer spots in the landscape. They can be grown in large 1/2 wine barrels and trained into long blooming standards or small patio shrubs. In fact their fast growth makes them a perfect choice for spring potting. Using a 5 gallon pot should be adequate for a season of enjoyment. With fertilization and pruning
they continue to bloom in the pot throughout the summer. By the next spring they will need to be repotted or planted in the ground. While Buddleias do require some summer watering
it is not an excessive amount. Once established as infrequently as once a month can be sufficient. A great advantage is that the scorching sun does not adversely affect their growth nor does it burn their leaves. Even more importantly
the broiling sun does not fade the colors of the flowers. And after all
the flowers are the main attraction. Millions of tiny flowers are formed along a bottle brush like spike.
Q. Can I propagate a Butterfly bush
by cuttings in water?
A. Since you asked is it possible
then I answer yes. Is it the most desirable method no. I find the results are best when using a rooting mix and cover the tray or pot with plastic. Here is what I have for you: Buddleia - Butterfly Bush
Summer Lilac The best method of propagation if a greenhouse is available
is to make cuttings in September and October and grow them through the winter in the greenhouse in which case they will be large blooming plants by Springtime. Outdoors
Buddleias are readily propagated from young spring shoots rooted in sterilized sand or propagating mix