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Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts
Q. I was given a couple of Brussels
sprouts plants but do not know what to do
with them.
A. Brussels sprouts is a cool season vegetable
the best quality sprouts produced in the
fall with sunny days and light frosts at
night. Hot weather results in soft open
sprouts which are undesirable. Jade Cross
is a widely adapted hybrid variety developed
for home garden use. The plants are vigorous
uniform in size and appearance with dark
green leaves and long narrow petioles and
produce heavy yields of closely spaced very
firm highly uniform sprouts averaging about
1«" in diameter. A soil high in organic
matter to hold a lot of moisture is necessary
to keep the plants growing vigorously. Irrigation
is helpful. Consider an application of manure
and definitely use a good cover crop. They
need a sweet soil so be sure the pH is about
6.5. Even though the soil is fertile it
must receive a good application of a fertilizer
which should contain some minor elements
particularly boron and magnesium. If it
does not purchase a small amount of a special
minor element mixture and add to the fertilizer
according to the directions on the container.
Plants should be about 6 weeks old when
set out. You may have to grow your own.
Sow seed 6 weeks before the plants are to
be set out 24" apart in the row and
have the rows 30" apart. Water when
transplanting to prevent wilting. Severe
shock to plants at transplanting time often
causes poor plant development. Watering
the plants with a starter solution is helpful.
Make a starter solution by adding one cup
of 5-10-10 fertilizer to 12 quarts of water.
Stir and then let set 2 hours. Use one cup
of this solution around the roots when a
plant is set. For best development Brussels
sprouts must have a large amount of available
nitrogen. Cultivate only to control weeds
and then be sure that it is very shallow.
Harvesting usually begins about 3 months
after setting the plants. Early sprouts
should be picked over several times the
lowest on the plant being taken each time;
otherwise those will open out and become
yellow. The first picking should not be
delayed after the lower leaves begin to
turn yellow as the sprouts get tough and
lose their delicate flavor. In picking the
leaf below the sprout is broken off and
the sprout removed by breaking away from
the stalk. As the lower leaves and sprouts
are removed the plant continues to push
out new leaves at the top and in the axil
of each leaf a bud or sprout is formed.
Sprouts keep well in storage at 32o F and
high humidity for 6-8 weeks. For home use
the whole plant may be stored in a cool
cellar and the sprouts removed as needed.
Bring the plants indoors just before severe
freezing occurs.