Q. I have some young begonias that got
a little ripped up by some hail. Will they
bounce back or should I replace them?
A. Now
that is a hard call. I am curious as to just how much damage was done. I tend to lean in the direction that they will come back just fine. I can see the large mature outer leaves torn by that hail
and those leaves will soon yellow and die. They will not serve the plants much anyway. But the interior new leaf buds are inside the top portions of the stems. I would strongly guess that they survived being hidden. What you will see in the next week or so is that maybe the next little group of leaves may have a few deformations
but the next wave of growth will be normal. Make sure that you maintain watering the plants well but not to sogginess
as begonias have a quick habit of rotting. Give them a half dilution of outdoor garden food weekly. When they are up and growing and blooming normally increase the food to full strength. Carefully stake any stems that have been knocked down. The roots will grow soon and anchor the tops.
Q. After potting Begonia tubers how
long does it take before they sprout?
A. That would depend upon how deep you planted the tubers and the temperature the pots are sitting at. If you planted them about 2" deep and the temp was around 68-70 degrees F then one would expect vegetative shoots within 10 days
two weeks max. If you planted them deeper it would take longer. If the temp has been below 68 degrees F
then the shoots would take longer to grow through the soil before appearing. If the tubers were fresh solid-feeling
no soft or black spots [fungi bacteria]
then you will be rewarded sooner or later. Do not fret. Be sure to give them rich well-drained soil and plenty of water
dripping out the bottom good morning sun
and protection from any wind. If they are the taller varieties you may need to stake them later to keep the branches from falling over. Avoid mildew on the plant by removing all flowers as they wilt and brown. This will also encourage more blooming throughout the season. Apply a garden flower fertilizer once every two to three weeks
according to the label directions. Never allow the plants to wilt or you will experience yellowing of the foliage and less blooming.
Begonias Picotee
Q. I have 3 begonias picotee because
I just love those little flowers that look
like small roses. Since we are in winter
here in Quebec is there a special care to
give because I cut the blooms before my
vacation. Do these flowers bloom often enough
to buy more? Now they are healthy and a
good green. I bought a special book about
house plants. That is why I recognized that
the name was begonia picotee.
A. This begonia is a striking one for sure. I have loved that delicate edging they get and bloom so full of petals like a rose. Truly a fine plant. But indoors they do not do nearly as well. I have always grown mine outdoors until fall and brought them inside from the cold. They do not bloom much indoors
but you can maintain the foliage and then plant outside after your last frost date. Cut way back on watering. If overwatered inside the roots will rot and then it will be gone. Give it as much light as you can. Feed only once a month with house plant fertilizer. Stake the stems so that they stand upright and not fall over. Remove any dead or yellow leaves and cut out weak stems to give more light to the good ones.
I would not buy any more until spring when
you can get new fresh ones from a garden
center! They are quite tender.