All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Q. I received a friendship bamboo plant
for my birthday. It came in a small ceramic
pot filled with marbles and a small bamboo
plant in the middle. There were no instructions
on how to care for it. Would you help me
A. These bamboo gifts are pretty for a
while then tend to falter. They need constant
water below to keep moist. The stalks grow
green sprouts from all parts of the bamboo
stick out of the water. Always keep at least
one inch of water in the bottom holding
saucer. No fertilizer is needed. Change
the water weekly to avoid a bacteria buildup.
Do not use soap. Give the plant plenty of
bright morning sun and filtered afternoon
sunlight behind drapes or blinds. If you
live in a tropical locale you can plant
Q. I want to try some bamboo in Houston
but I know nothing about their care and
which to try. Could you help?
A. Bamboo is a native of tropical and subtropical
Asia hardy in zones 9 to 12. It is usually
propagated by digging up part of a clump
of existing bamboo and moving it elsewhere.
The vast majority of propagating is done
that way and it results in most plants of
most species in the U.S. being clones. If
you divide a bamboo plant and put it in
a new location it usually doesn't do much
for the first few growing seasons. The first
two years it puts out roots in its new location
and usually by the third year it starts
putting out larger culms. By the fourth
or fifth years it's putting out culms as
large as that plant ever will in that location
with that much sun and that much water in
that kind of soil.
Bamboo has become a popular ornamental
grass. Gardeners should be aware that bamboo
may be classified as clump-forming or running
types -- the latter of which spread by rhizomes
that can quickly get out of control.
All bamboo need full sun to partial shade
and grow phenomenally fast during their
short growth period. To achieve rapid growth
water frequently and fertilize with a lawn
fertilizer. To restrict size water and fertilize
less. To contain bamboo dig a trench around
the clump and when a rhizome moves into
the trench cut it off. Thin the patch by
removing whole stems.