All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Learning Perennial Gardening
Learning the art of perennial gardening is much
like learning to do anything else. A certain amount
of knowledge and skill is required to create a
perennial garden but only by doing research into
the types of perennial plants and actually making
the attempt will this skill and knowledge grow
blossom into that flower garden you always dreamed
of. Learning the ins and outs of perennial gardening
will take time but once you have the basics down
your imagination is your only limit to creating
a beautiful garden that blooms every year with
a minimum amount of work.
The first thing to do before you even begin to
dig in the dirt is do some research on perennial
plants and gardening practices. Go to your local
library or gardening center to find books related
to this subject. You can also find a wealth of
information on the internet about this type of
When it comes time to start selecting the plants
for your garden the idea is to take the vision
that you have in you head and transfer that to
an actual living garden. By doing your research
up front and selecting the flowers and plants
that fit your vision you will see that vision
come to life much quicker and easier. As such
it is important that you make a list of those
plants that you find most desirable during your
research. This will help you not only arrange
your perennial garden in a design that is most
pleasing to you but it will also make it easy
to find and purchase them at your local garden
Once you have done your research and have your
design and the plants to go with it picked out
it's time to start moving some dirt. First make
sure you have the proper tools to do the job.
A shovel, rake, hoe, and a set of sharp garden
shears will do the job. Lay out your garden using
either a garden hose or you can outline the area
using spray paint.
Be sure to remove any and all weeds in your planting
area. This will allow your new perennials to grow
and thrive without competing against weeds which
will overtake any newly planted area. You will
also want to have a water supply close at hand
to thoroughly water in your new plants.
When choosing your perennials you can purchase
them in three main forms. As seeds, bulbs, or
already started in pots. If you are patient and
want to save some money then seeds or bulbs are
the way to go. It will take longer to see the
outcome of your work but it will be well worth
it. If you are more of the instant gratification
type then potted plants will let you see results
much quicker, but at a slightly higher price.
One of the nice things about potted plants is
you can set them out and see how your design will
look before planting, giving you the option of
changing things before committing your plant to
the soil.
When you begin planting your new plants be sure
to follow the recommended guidelines for proper
plant spacing and depth of hole. If you overcrowd
your perennials chances are they will not grow
to their full brilliance and will make your garden
look overgrown. Once they are planted give them
a good watering and before long you will have
a beautiful garden of perennial plants and flowers.
About the Author:
To learn more about perennial
gardening and plants please visit the website