All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
How to Plan a Garden
The desire for color in the garden is best satisfied
by the liberal use of annuals, perennials and
bulbs in variety. All three classes of plants
have their place, because each has its value as
to season of bloom, height or mass of color.
Succession of bloom from early spring to late
fall is the goal of nearly every gardener. To
achieve this consider first that very few hardy
flowers have an individual blooming period of
more than two or three weeks. Even annuals bloom
only during the summer. Therefore, even for a
small garden, one may have to select several dozen
different kinds of plants to assure bloom from
March to killing frost.
Your climate will determine how early in the spring
and how late in the fall you can have flowers.
An added factor is the location of your garden.
Low spots in valleys often suffer more from frosts
than those at slightly higher elevation, or on
hillsides. This is usually due to lack of air
drainage to carry the cold air away.
Planning the Flower Garden
The skillful gardener employs numerous devices
to achieve a colorful flower bed or border. For
example, by planting spring flowering bulbs between
and beneath other flowers, each square foot of
ground should give at least two crops of bloom.
Conversely, after spring bulbs, such as daffodils
and tulips, are through blooming, they may be
interplanted with annuals for summer bloom. As
summer blooming annuals go by in September, they
can be followed by chrysanthemum clumps transplanted
from another part of the garden. An orderly plan,
made in advance, will simplify the task of keeping
the show going from season to season.
The kinds of flowers you grow will be determined
in a measure by the amount of sunlight available.
This will vary from bed to bed, from one side
of the house to the other. Most flowers will thrive
in full sun but a few require shade. Others are
shade tolerant, though doing better with a greater
amount of sunlight. So it is possible to have
flowers in the shade of trees, shrubs and buildings
even where no direct sunlight reaches. Such plants
as ferns, many wild flowers, and begonias have
to be protected from the summer sun, for otherwise
they may sun-scorch.
When making a plan, it is important to know how
tall each kind of flower grows so as not to plant
tall growing ones in front of low ones. The habit
of growth should be known too, so as not to crowd
massive clumps like peonies next to smaller, weaker
growers such as peachleaf bellflowers; or sprawling
coreopsis next to a low, tufted Japanese primrose.
Very rank growers like the plume poppy and spreading
Chinese lantern are really best kept out of beds
with other flowers altogether.
Much has been said and written about planning
color schemes in the garden. They are fascinating
to think about, but often difficult to work out.
Do not be disconcerted if the results are not
as expected. Flowers have an irritating way of
not blooming just when they should, so that carefully
planned combinations may not materialize. Colors
vary too. Blues in catalogs are not always your
idea of blue. This goes for lavender, purple,
red, pink, orange, yellow and so on through the
rainbow. In any case, there is enough green foliage
to subdue impossible color combinations.
Some people like to have their flowers in the
front of the house where they can be seen. Others
prefer to enjoy them in privacy. It is well to
remember that in early spring and fall the weather
may not be conducive to outdoor enjoyment.
Plant so that cold weather bloom may be enjoyed
from the warmth and comfort of the home, using
the windows as a means of access to the garden.
Flowers can also be planted so as to be seen from
the patio or picnic area. In every instance, a
garden with a pleasing pattern or design and an
adequate background is more satisfying than one
With some planning, you should be able to achieve
a beautiful flower garden.
About the Author:
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