All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Hibiscus Tropical Flowers
For color and beauty in the garden, Hibiscus
cannot be beat. Mine are the giant strain of rose
mallow, tall-growing, well-branched plants that
produce many enormous five-petaled flowers ranging
from red to rose, shell-pink to white with crimson
In Laurel, Mississippi, the hibiscus blooms from
midsummer to frost without rest. Though large,
the blossoms are delicate in form, soft in color,
and so combine well with other flowers. Leaves
are also beautiful-long, narrow and notched.
Hibiscus likes rich, well-drained soil and starts
new growth each spring. To make way for the new
shoots, the plants should be cut to the ground
each fall. New plants may be propagated from seed
soaked in warm water before they're planted in
late spring when days are warm. Ground must be
kept moist until growth appears. Blossoms come
the second year. Plants also may be started from
root divisions taken from older plants or from
cuttings placed under a fruit jar or in a shaded
Hibiscus is a fine background plant as well as
one that can hold the spotlight when in bloom.
Flowers remain open longer if shaded and, on cloudy
days, stay open all day long. When cool days come,
hibiscus is at its best for then its gay, crisp
flowers are especially lovely.
Blue Daisy
Its easy habit of growth and unaffected air make
the blue daisy, Felicia amelloides of South Africa,
a welcome addition to any cottage garden. Its
flowers, 1 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter, are borne
singly on thin, wiry stems which rise about 8
to 10 inches above evergreen foliage. Its color
is a true sky blue. Its center, yellow.
Felicia amelloides seems immune to pests and does
well for me in either sun or partial shade. Bloom
is heaviest from April through June but, if the
top is sheared severely, it will continue to bloom
for months here in California.
Propagation is by seed or cuttings. And, since
the lower branches occasionally send down roots
where they touch the ground, the plant also may
be increased by layering under moist soil. In
harsher climes, where it is tender, the blue daisy
may be started under glass and grown in pots as
Marguerites (Chrysanthemum frutescens) are grown.
I have the blue daisy planted in front of rose-pink
geraniums on the west side of the house and in
front of orange and yellow daylilies on the east.
In both situations it thrives without any particular
care except watering.
Lemon-yellow and white Marguerites, by the way,
combine well with this smaller blue flower sometimes
called Blue Marguerite. I arrange them loosely
in a Waterford glass pitcher and add a few freesias
or sweet alyssum for fragrance. I have also used
felicia in a yellow pottery sugar bowl with early
English primroses and, later in the season, with
the old-fashioned pinks (Dianthus).
About the Author:
Can't always get what you want, you can find what
you need on peace
lily no flowers.