All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists
and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers,
bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting
cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!
Growing Blue Hydrangeas
There are many different factors that you have
to take into account when you’re growing blue
hydrangea. You have probably already heard that
by adjusting the pH level in the soil that you
will be growing your plants in will help change
the color of the plants flowers.
First of all, you need to understand that not
all hydrangeas produce a blue flower. Some of
the plants may produce a white or cream color
flower, while others may be able to produce the
blue hydrangea that you implore about.
The hydrangeas that normally produce various bloom
colors that range from different shades of pinks
to blues to even shades of purple belong to a
particular species of hydrangea plants known as
mopheads or lace caps.
These particular species of plant have the ability
to change the color of the flowers that they bloomed
based off of the pH level of their soil. When
the flowers are grown in an alkaline based soil
the flowers will come out in a pink color sequence,
however when the flowers are grown in a more acidic
soil they will sprout out blue flowers instead.
Because the overall soil chemistry determines
if you will be able to obtain a blue hydrangea
or not the variety of names that these plants
bare really do not make that much of a difference.
For instance the clever names that they bare such
as Nikko Blue or Forever Pink has a chance of
blooming up wither pink or blue depending on the
soil that the plants are planted in.
One thing you need to remember when buying hydrangea
plants is you may not always get the particular
bloom color that you are seeking. The bloom color
is not a basis of the plant, but is based along
the lines of the soil that you decide to put the
plant into.
In order to encourage the growth of the blue hydrangea
plant you need to ensure that you grow the plants
in a soil that has a pH level that ranges from
5.2-5.5. If your soil consists of more alkaline
then the designated pH level to be able to sustain
the blue blooms you can try to lower the level
by adding 2 TBSP to the area where you plan to
bloom the plant.
Soil pH can also be lowered by simply applying
mulch to the ground that is full of acid or by
inserting pine needles or pine bark to the soil
that you wish to plant in. However, if your alkaline
level is simply too high and you cannot lower
the pH of the soil then your chances of growing
blue hydrangeas is pretty much useless.
Alkaline soil tends to lock up the amount of aluminum
found in the soil that the plant needs in order
to bloom out the blue flowers that you desire.
You can still do certain things that will help
the blue hydrangeas bloom; however the soil is
the deciding factor in the ordeal of the flowers
being the specified color that you want.
About the Author:
a wholesale nursery in Tennessee growing nikko
blue hydnrageas and other flowering shrubs and