Daisy Flower Gifts

The Asteraceae or Compositae, also referred to as the aster, daisy, or sunflower family, is the largest family of vascular plants. . Many related plants also share the name "Daisy", so to distinguish this species from other daisies it is sometimes qualified as Common Daisy, Lawn Daisy or occasionally English daisy.


Daisies are iconic and symbolic flowers.

Other Names: Asteraceae, Compositae, Common Daisy, Lawn Daisy, English Daisy, Bruisewort, Woundwort, Moon Flower, Saint John's Flower, Moon Pennies, Mary's Star, Mary's Flower of God, Priest's Collar

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales
Genus: Bellis


Descriptions: Daisy flowers have a center disc with radiating petals.

Size: Daisies grow from 4 inches to 3 feet tall.

Symbolism: Daisies symbolize joyful innocence, hope and happiness. The English Daisy is also considered to be a flower of children.

Grow Details: Daisies are easy to grow and frequently thrive in the wild.

Grow Details

Soil Type: Rich, Well Drained
Soil PH: PH 6.1 and 7.5
Water: Standard
Light: Full Sun
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Height: Daisies can be from 4 inches to 3 feet tall.
Flower Colors: White, Cream, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Lilac, Purple, Red, Brown, Salmon, Bi-color, and Multicolor
Propagation: Daisies can be propagated by division in spring or through sowing seeds in spring or late autumn.
Division/Transplants: Divide every 3 to 4 years.
Blooming Period: Late Spring to Early Fall

Type: Annual or Perennials

Herbal Remedy Properties: Tea can be made from the leaves of the daisy, it is said to strengthen appetite and metabolism. Daisies can stimulates the digestion and suppress coughs. Daisies have a diuretc effect which helps with fluid retention.

Native Area: Daisies are a European plant, that has been cultivated in the United States and some species thrive in the wild


Daisy Gifts

Daisies are an herbaceous plant with short creeping rhizomes and small rounded or spoon-shaped evergreen leaves 2–5 cm long, which grow close to ground. The flowerheads are 2–3 cm in diameter, with white ray florets (often tipped red) and yellow disc florets.


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