Bleeding Heart Flower Gifts
Dicentra or Bleeding Heart is a genus of 8 species of perennial
herbaceous plants in the fumitory family, many with heart-shaped
flowers, native to eastern Asia and North America. Flowers
have two tiny sepals and four petals. They are bisymmetric:
the two outer petals are spurred or pouched at the base and
curved at the tip, and the two inner petals are straight and
connected at the tip.
Bleeding Heart Flower Gifts
Dicentra or Bleeding Heart is a genus of 8 species
of perennial herbaceous plants in the fumitory family,
many with heart-shaped flowers, native to eastern
Asia and North America. Flowers have two tiny sepals
and four petals. They are bisymmetric: the two outer
petals are spurred or pouched at the base and curved
at the tip, and the two inner petals are straight
and connected at the tip. |
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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products.